on justiitsministeeriumi kriminaalpoliitika osakonna võrgukodu. on justiitsministeeriumi kriminaalpoliitika osakonna võrgukodu.
According to the EU strategy towards the Eradication of Trafficking in Human Beings 2012–2016 the priorities that EU member states should focus on in order to address the issue of trafficking in human beings. Some of the main priorities are identifying, protecting and assisting victims of trafficking increased prosecution of traffickers, enhanced coordination and cooperation among key actors and policy coherence and stepping up the prevention of trafficking in human beings. The responsibilities of criminal justice system do not lie exclusively in punishing offenders, but also in respecting and restoring the human rights and needs of victims of trafficking.
The project aims one of the ISEC priorities to promote and develop protection, support of crime victims and reduce victimisation, providing a modern and victim centred approach for practitioners who may be exposed to trafficking in human beings (THB) in the course of their duties. The project promotes international cooperation among criminal justice system practitioners. The project and the partners are committed to share best practice, co-ordinated cross border services, development of European standards and also establish professional network.
The overall objective of the project is to raise the professional knowledge about supporting victims in criminal proceedings and also protection of the rights of THB and domestic violence (DV) victims. This includes training program for the criminal justice system practitioners, workshops and study visits.
In order to meet the objectives of the project, the activities of the project will be divided into four work streams:
Training will take place in Estonia and will be carried out by different experts of the field.
The project duration is 1.01.2014 – 30.06.2015.
The target groups of the project are prosecutors, judges and police officers and also victims and potential victims of the THB and DV.