on justiitsministeeriumi kriminaalpoliitika osakonna võrgukodu. on justiitsministeeriumi kriminaalpoliitika osakonna võrgukodu.
Tähistame inimõiguste deklaratsiooni 70. aastapäeva inimkaubanduse teemalise seminariga, mida korraldavad sotsiaal- ja justiitsministeeriumid koostöös Austria saatkonna ja Ungari Instituudiga. Seminar kestab terve päeva, sisaldab ettekandeid ja üht teematilist näitust ning filmi. Seminar on inglise keeles ja täpsem info ürituse kohta järgnevalt ka inglise keeles.
Registreeruda saab kuni 10.04 saates sellekohase e-kirja Austria saatkonda aadressile: [email protected].
To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights we are pleased to invite you to the Seminar “Human Trafficking in Europe – Trends and Development” which will take place from 12:30-17:20 on Tuesday, 17 April, at the Tamm Conference hall of the Ministry of Social Affairs (Suur-Ameerika 1, 10122 Tallinn).
Human Trafficking, the trade of humans for the purpose of forced labour, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others, is thought to be one of the fastest-growing activities of trans-national criminal organisations. According to the International Labour Organisation, forced labour generates an estimated $ 150 billion of profits per annum (2014).
Panel discussion with Brigade General Gerald Tatzgern, Head of Central Service Combating Human Smuggling and Human Trafficking (Austria), Colonel Ágnes Németh, Chief of Crime Prevention Department, Hungarian National Police (Hungary), Kristiina Luht, Adviser, Department of Equality Policies, Ministry of Social Affairs (Estonia) and Anu Leps, Adviser, Criminal Policy Department, Ministry of Justice (Estonia) followed by the film “Viktoria: A Tale of Grace and Greed”.
The seminar will be conducted in English language.
12:30 Start (Registration and Coffee)
13:00 Welcome messages
Austrian Ambassador Mrs. Doris Danler
Deputy Secretary General on Social Policy Mr. Rait Kuuse, Ministry of Social Affairs
13:10 Introduction of all participants of seminar (name and position)
13:30 Short keynote speeches of panellists
Austria: Brigade General Gerald Tatzgern, Head of Central Service for Combating Human Smuggling and Human Trafficking Criminal Intelligence Service – JOO – Joint Operational Office, Federal Ministry of Interior Austria
Estonia: Kristiina Luht, Adviser, Department of Equality Policies, Ministry of Social Affairs; Anu Leps, Criminal Policy Department, Ministry of Justice
Hungary: Colonel Ágnes Németh, Chief of Crime Prevention Department, Hungarian National Police
Moderator: Cornelia Godfrey, Austrian Embassy
14:15 Discussion
15:15 Coffee break
15:45 Introduction of film: Tamás Orosz, Director, Hungarian Institute
Film “Viktoria: A Tale of Grace and Greed”
17:20 End
From 12:00 to 17:30 the web exhibition “Human Trafficking – slavery of the 21st century” can be viewed via the laptop stations in the lobby outside the conference room
To attend, please register with email to [email protected] by the end of business hours on Tuesday, 10April.
Looking forward to seeing you at the event!
Austrian Embassy - Ministry of Social Affairs - Ministry of Justice - Hungarian Institut